Sisu (2022)

Sisu (2022) is an action-packed war thriller directed by Jalmari Helander, set in the harsh and unforgiving Finnish wilderness at the close of World War II. The film follows Aatami (played by Jorma Tommaila), a determined and rugged miner who stumbles upon a massive gold treasure. His excitement turns to terror when he finds himself pursued by a brutal group of Nazi soldiers, led by the merciless officer Bruno (Jack Doolan), who will stop at nothing to seize the treasure.


The film is a relentless rollercoaster of intense action, featuring explosive gunfights, brutal hand-to-hand combat, and shocking violence. While the plot is straightforward, the film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its high-octane thrills and a larger-than-life protagonist. Aatami’s unyielding resilience and determination make him a formidable force, embodying the spirit of a warrior who will fight for survival at all costs.

Sisu also weaves in elements of psychological tension and revenge, as Aatamiโ€™s unbreakable will and fierce sense of justice push him to confront his enemies head-on. The film builds an atmosphere of suspense and relentless tension, keeping audiences hooked from start to finish as they follow Aatamiโ€™s struggle to protect his treasure and exact revenge on those who dare to challenge him.

With its gritty storytelling and thrilling action, Sisu is a bloody, high-stakes adventure that showcases the power of a man who refuses to back down, no matter the odds.