Cargo (2017)

“Cargo,” directed by Ben Howling and Yolanda Ramke, and released in 2017, stands out as a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant addition to the post-apocalyptic genre. Based on a short film by the same directors, “Cargo” expands upon its premise to deliver a gripping narrative that explores the depths of human resilience, familial love, and the search for redemption in a world ravaged by a viral pandemic.
Set in rural Australia, “Cargo” follows the journey of Andy (played by Martin Freeman), a father who is navigating a desolate landscape with his infant daughter, Rosie, in search of safety after a global outbreak turns people into flesh-eating zombies. With each passing day, Andy grapples with the reality that he himself is slowly succumbing to the infection, driven by a desperate mission to find someone who can care for Rosie before he transforms.

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