Avengers: Doomsday (2026)

The Avengers return in their most high-stakes battle yet as Avengers: Doomsday unleashes a multiversal war that threatens to erase all of existence.Following the devastating aftermath of Kang the Conqueror’s previous attacks, the remaining Avengers are scattered and struggling to rebuild. However, when Doctor Strange uncovers the existence of Kang’s Doomsday Engine—a catastrophic device capable of erasing entire timelines to consolidate Kang’s rule—Earth’s mightiest heroes must reunite.
Led by Captain Marvel, Thor, and Sam Wilson’s Captain America, the Avengers embark on a desperate mission to recruit new allies, including the Young Avengers and powerful variants from across the multiverse. As they journey through shattered realities, they encounter multiple versions of Kang, each more dangerous than the last.
The final battle unfolds in a fractured multiverse, where the Avengers engage in an explosive, reality-bending war against an army of Kangs. In a heart-wrenching twist, a variant of Tony Stark emerges from an alternate timeline and makes the ultimate sacrifice, mirroring the legendary moment from Endgame, to destroy the Doomsday Engine once and for all.
As the dust settles, the multiverse is saved but forever altered, leaving the Avengers to grieve their losses while preparing for the next great threat.
With a staggering $400 million budget, Avengers: Doomsday is one of the most expensive films ever made, projected to shatter box office records with an estimated $2.5 billion global earnings. This epic installment reshapes the future of the MCU, setting the stage for the next generation of heroes.