Buried Hearts (2025)

Two trillion won. A web of lies. And a game where survival means trusting no one.
When a brilliant but disillusioned hacker, known only as “Zero,” stumbles upon evidence of a massive slush fund hidden within the Daesan Group, one of Korea’s most powerful conglomerates, he sees a chance to escape his dangerous past and start a new life.
But stealing 2 trillion won is no easy task. Zero’s actions ignite a chain reaction that draws him into a deadly game of cat and mouse with powerful figures who will stop at nothing to protect their secrets. As he races against time to evade capture, he discovers that the slush fund is just the tip of the iceberg, a gateway to a far more sinister conspiracy.

A ruthless prosecutor, a betrayed executive, and a mysterious figure known only as “The Daesan Man” enter the fray, each with their own agenda and their own reasons for wanting to control the slush fund. As Zero navigates this treacherous landscape, he uncovers a truth that could shatter the foundations of Daesan Group and expose corruption at the highest levels of Korean society.

Director delivers a visually stunning and action-packed thriller that blends elements of cybercrime, corporate intrigue, and political conspiracy. From the neon-drenched streets of Seoul to the sterile boardrooms of Daesan Group headquarters, each location becomes a battleground where trust is a luxury and betrayal is a way of life.
Some secrets are worth more than money. Buried Hearts. Prepare for a high-stakes game of deception and power