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When the world’s mightiest heroes face their darkest hour, will they rise… or fall?”
In Avengers: Age of Doom, the stakes have never been higher as Earth’s mightiest heroes face an unprecedented threat that challenges the very foundation of their unity and strength. The Avengersβ€”Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America (Chris Evans), Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner)β€”are forced to unite once again when a powerful new adversary emerges from the shadows. This villain, born of both mysticism and technology, has a devastating plan to reshape the world as we know it, pushing the Avengers to the brink. With the emergence of old enemies and the return of familiar faces, the team must confront their greatest challenge yetβ€”not just physical, but moral, as their bonds are tested in ways they never expected. Director Joss Whedon returns to weave together the perfect blend of thrilling action, intense character moments, and jaw-dropping visual effects. With a new, formidable force threatening the survival of Earth, the Avengers will have to make unimaginable sacrifices to save the world. The future of the MCU will never be the same after this pivotal chapter.