Hitman (2025) First Trailer Jason Statham
The story follows Agent 47 as he is tasked with eliminating a powerful tech mogul, Alexander Greaves, who secretly runs a global surveillance network capable of controlling governments. However, the mission takes a turn when 47 discovers that Greaves is connected to his own mysterious past.
Along the way, 47 teams up with a skilled hacker, Elena, who has her own vendetta against Greaves. Together, they uncover a conspiracy that threatens the world, forcing 47 to question his loyalty to the shadowy organization that created him.
The story follows Agent 47 as he is tasked with eliminating a powerful tech mogul, Alexander Greaves, who secretly runs a global surveillance network capable of controlling governments. However, the mission takes a turn when 47 discovers that Greaves is connected to his own mysterious past. Along the way, 47 teams up with a skilled hacker, Elena, who has her own vendetta against Greaves. Together, they uncover a conspiracy that threatens the world, forcing 47 to question his loyalty to the shadowy organization that created him.