Reacher is an American action-crime television series developed by Nick Santora for Amazon Prime Video. Based on the bestselling Jack Reacher book series by Lee Child, the show stars Alan Ritchson as the titular character—an ex-U.S. Army military policeman turned drifter with extraordinary strength, intellect, and investigative skills. As he roams from town to town, Reacher confronts dangerous criminals and takes on thrilling battles.

Season Highlights


  • Season 1 (2022): Adapted from Killing Floor (1997), Lee Child’s debut novel, the series introduced Reacher’s journey and became an instant hit upon its release on February 4, 2022.
  • Season 2 (2023-2024): Based on Bad Luck and Trouble (2007), the second season aired from December 15, 2023, to January 19, 2024, bringing a gripping narrative of loyalty and revenge.
  • Season 3 (Upcoming in 2025): Set to adapt Persuader (2003), fans can expect even more intense action and drama. Filming commenced in December 2023, with Alan Ritchson reprising his iconic role.

About Jack Reacher

Jack Reacher is a former U.S. Army military police major with extensive experience in investigative operations and hand-to-hand combat. Despite his impressive skills, Reacher chooses the life of a wanderer, traveling across the U.S. to find his next challenge. His drifter lifestyle often puts him in the crosshairs of dangerous criminals, but with his sharp mind and unmatched strength, Reacher always emerges as a force to be reckoned with.

Get ready for more thrilling action and intense crime-solving in Season 3 of Reacher!