Sniper: Ghost Shooter (2025)
The fifth installment in the Sniper film series, Sniper: Ghost Shooter (2025), takes viewers into a high-stakes mission with elite sniper Gunnery Sergeant Brandon Beckett and his partner. Their objective? Protect a U.S. embassy in a volatile, war-torn region.
But the mission takes a deadly turn when a mysterious sniper targets them, pushing their skills, strategies, and loyalties to the limit. With action-packed sequences, tactical precision, and escalating tension, the film promises to immerse audiences in a gripping tale of survival and sacrifice.
Exploring themes of loyalty, duty, and the psychological toll of combat, Sniper: Ghost Shooter delivers suspense and military strategy for fans of the genre. While it may not aim for critical acclaim, its adrenaline-filled narrative makes it a must-watch for action enthusiasts.