BELLE & SEBASTIAN | Official Australian Trailer

Directed by Nicola Sornetta, Belle and Sebastian is a heartwarming family film set in the stunning French Alps during World War II. Based on the novel by CΓ©cile Aubry, the film follows the adventures of a young boy named Sebastian and his close bond with a large, friendly Pyrenean mountain dog named Belle.
This enchanting tale captures themes of friendship, bravery, and the fight against prejudice, making it a beloved film for both children and adults.

Plot Summary
The story takes place in a small mountain village where young Sebastian (FΓ©lix Bossuet) lives with his grandfather, who is a bit strict and protective. While exploring the beautiful wilderness around his home, Sebastian discovers Belle, a dog who has been wrongly accused of being a wolf and hunted by the villagers.

Belle is gentle and loving, and Sebastian forms an instant bond with her.
As the war looms over the village, Sebastian learns that the dog is in danger, not only from the townspeople but also from the harsh realities of the war.

Together, Sebastian and Belle embark on a series of adventures, including attempts to save Belle from capture and to protect her from those who wish her harm. The story unfolds against the backdrop of a community facing fear and distrust, and Sebastian’s friendship with Belle becomes a symbol of loyalty and courage.